
Soldier Wesley is saved – Contrasti Magazine

Boomers and former players will save us (for now).

«In my opinion we are exaggerating. Maybe things have changed now, but when I think back to myself in the locker room, I could never imagine being coached by a woman. With all the more humorous speeches that result from it». This is how Wesley Sneijder spoke on “Veronica Offside,” a Dutch television show, asked about the possibility that even the England national team (feminists always think big) could recruit a female coach. It has even made a name for itself, namely that of Sarina Wiegman, the current coach of the England women's national team and in fact the hypothetical successor… (how do you say feminine? Well) to Gareth Southgate on the bench of the Three Lions.

Then Sneijder continued: “I have nothing against women, but I think we're going a little crazy. I heard that we have to try, we have to break something, but why? What do we need to break through? We should all stop. If it happens, it happens, but we talk about it too much. Talking about it now is already an exaggeration. Let's make it happen. Maybe it will happen, maybe it won't, but we're pushing too hard and I think it's just counterproductive».

Wesley Wesley, who made you do it! The recent victory in the elections of Wilders Has it perhaps made you forget the times in which we live in your right-wing populist and Eurosceptic Holland? The one in which, to quote Chesterton, one must “light fires to prove that two and two equal four, draw swords to show that the leaves are green in summer” and, I add, Must endure crucifixions on social media to confirm that a gyroscopic men's national team should it be coached by a man?

It makes no sense that your snack companion and former football player Pierre van Hooijdonk supported you in the program “Studio Voetbal” with the words: “I can't imagine Sarina Wiegman entering a team's dressing room with people like Rafael van der Vaart (also present at the fair). Why don't you say? well then I wonder if you've been there before locker room. Can we say it? For me it's about a bit of credibility with your group of players. I'm not saying women don't have credibility, but they have less credibility than a man in a men's locker room.

“It’s not about who is better, it’s about how things are”….

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