
Motta-Arnautovic: Does the game collide with the leaders?

The case of Thiago Motta-Arnautovic reminds us of other (sublime) cases from the past.

Arnautovic is no longer playing as Motta prefers a less physical, more modern striker. No, on the contrary, the Austrian sees less and less of the field because he is not diligent, he trains little, in Casteldebole tries less than others because he knows he has a guaranteed spot. Then let’s face it: he and Thiago really never liked each other from the start and the manager was just waiting for an excuse like injury to bench him and never let him get up again. This and much more has been said and written about the Motta-Arnautovic relationship in recent weeks. The former has often glossed over journalists’ questions about the Austrian’s close entry with class (and sometimes even a little anger), and certainly the latter has added his own by kicking a bottle at the end of a bologna – Lazio, who saw how he warmed up without even being put on the field to play game time after the injury.

open the sky For many, it was confirmation that there was bad blood between the coach and his forward, imagining an Arnautovic in the Hulk version, returning to the dressing room and kicking everything that passed in front of him (as if there were players , who are happy to remain on the bench) and Motta’s subsequent vagueness in commenting on the incident was nothing more than confirmation of theunbridgeable gulf between the two.

There’s something unspoken, that’s clear, but as so often, one wonders if the situation is actually a lot less grim than it’s trying to make it out to be. The rossoblù manager recently summed up his decision to give Arnautovic less space with a laconic “Right now, Barrow deserves to play”, which certainly hides something else, but what? A desire to clean his starting centre-forward? Waterfall. Much more likely, if Motta could be 100% sincere he would say “at this moment I have to let Barrow play” and how he does it.

The Gambian striker has been just a shadow of what he could be this year and Thiago has an insane need to recover mentally even before he’s technical-tactical. Motta doesn’t give him the space and confidence to do a good job or because he doesn’t like Arnautovic, but because Barrow needs to feel his coach’s appreciation on an important and ongoing basis. Markus No. When Marko isn’t playing he’s kicking the bottles because he knows he’s strong, he deserves space, he can be decisive. If Musa is put aside, he runs the risk of collapsing, sulking. He needs to be encouraged, the other is a lion whose cage door just needs to be opened wide. It’s possible that a huge misunderstanding arose just because Motta could never admit such a thing. It would mean underlining the emotionality of the Gambier.

Now the bigger is Arnautovic. Anagraphically, of course, but – Musa doesn’t want that – also technically. Motta is working on it. She wants her boyfriend to show up bold, bold and aggressive, who can believe and feel under his skin that he can compete with anyone for the spot Arnautovic who, by a stroke of fate, is not only the most talented player in the rossoblù squad, but also the most charismatic. Musa should not feel like a backup, second line, but as a protagonist. And every other day (every other day actually) Barrow gives some answers along those lines.

Maximum leader

In view of all this It is also possible that Motta wants to be perceived as the sole leader, both in the dressing room and on the pitch, and for that reason he is trying to downsize Arnautovic. The Italian-Brazilian makes “strength of the group” his mantra, but that’s not all. Arnautovic’s absence is clearly causing more excitement, but quietly Other senators also gradually lost their title status acquired with Mihajlović as if Thiago felt more like a young group and therefore more malleable. Posch has completely ousted De Silvestri, Ferguson made the boots for Soriano, Sansone plays very little and Medel has now become a kind of luxury reserve, letting Schouten, Moro and Dominguez breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that the trainer wants to be experienced and noticed deus ex machinaand then the problem that could have arisen with Arnautovic would be of a character nature, but it would not concern the Austrian’s outbursts of anger or his lack of commitment, but him guide. And if that were the case, it would just be a recreation of a script we’ve already seen over the last few years.

Real love never blossomed in between Guardiola and Ibrahimovic Was it just a question of space in the center of attack or was the Swede’s charisma too ponderous? Toti was too old for the modern game of spalletti? AND IcardiSo when did the Tuscan train Inter?

No, age has nothing to do with it. Ideas and charisma have to do with it, the philosophy of the coaches and that aura of omnipotence that surrounds technical and personality leaders, which somehow distances them from the rules that apply to others and makes them uncomfortable, to say the least. Guardiola, Spalletti and Sarri himself, who faced Chiellini, are similar in terms of hairlessness and inventiveness.

They have principles in mind that must be strictly followed, it’s the players who benefit from their football and not the other way around. They neither like nor want profiles of undoubted thickness temperamental who risk obscuring the rest of the field with their light, the equipment that the trainers tend to with so much scruple and brawn from the first day they enter a new reality. Spalletti wants eleven Perrottas, Sarri eleven Callejons. And motta? To this day, the only thing that is clear is that he wouldn’t have wanted Arnautovic if the choice depended on him. It’s easier to work to bolster the ego of someone who’s always considered himself a second-row dancer than to shave that of the Draggers, and that’s why Thiago spoils Barrow and lets Marko temporarily park.

If then the rossoblù trainer can be really modern in his proposal, he will realize that the fight between two roosters is as old as the world and must be overcome, and if he wants to learn from history, he will realize that this the waste generated by these frictions generally do not make things easier but actually make them more difficult because it is very difficult to propose a fluid kick when you have to dodge at every step to avoid a journalist’s question, when you are constantly forced to shield your head from the flak of the murmuring fans.

To renounce one’s ideas by the will of the people would be a crime, but it would also be devilish to cling to a mistake that so many have already made. In conclusion, if Motta thinks he can capitalize on Barrow’s ownership, he’s right to continue on his way, but we advise him not to leave Arnautovic in cold water a second longer than necessary. If the timing and temperature are wrong, the Casteldebole basin could freeze, and everyone knows what happens to water when it solidifies and turns into ice. It expands first. Then smash everything.

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