
Tiktoker is synonymous with sports journalism: let's retreat

Reactionary reflections on the death of journalism.

On the benches of the press is written World Championship82 republic Gianni Brera, the diary Gianni Mura, the courier Mario Soldieri, the Newspaper Giovanni Arpino, The pressure Oreste Del Buono. Forty years later, at Euro 2024, the leading names will instead be TikTok influencers, the new faces of sports journalism. There Decision It was taken over by UEFA at the beginning of December. So allow us a few thoughts, something for nostalgic boomers.

That the information world is in a moment of decline is certainly nothing new – at Contrasti, we were, in a sense, born to counteract this phenomenon. But seeing even a shadow of sports journalism among TikTokers is a symptom of this Disease reaching its final stage. Another blow to those who still believe in the purity and craftsmanship of the profession.

The parade wasn't enough Tiktoker at the Ballon d'Or ceremony, and not even the fullness of it Instagrammer on the sidelines and pays more attention to the story progression than the game progression. The show Before Sports.

Times change and so does the media, but equating influencers with journalists is playing dirty recognizemaybe even unconsciouslyThe Visibility rhymes with competence. Yes, because influencers survive, even more than newspapers, only thanks to sponsors and advertising. Influencers drive more than anyone else intellectual prostitution, quotes the great Mourinho. In short, recognizing journalistic competence in these faces means moving further away from the independence of information. Above all, it means spitting on the studies, on the training, on the hours in front of the computer screen of those who have sweated and deserve this press box.

What will be the next step? Dedicate a column to diary to the YouTuber on duty?

Is inviting a few TikTokers really the only way to increase young people's interest in sports? Some children really discovered the existence of the Ballon d'Or thanks to the fool's videos speed?

Isn't the loss of young people's interest in sport perhaps due to a narrative that has become increasingly tenuous and aseptic over time? The sport hasn't changed much, but unfortunately those tasked with covering it have. The epic, the care for form, the deep analysis are goneColor and bringing impromptu journalists to the forefront to cover sports can only fuel this careless narrative.

“We journalists are dealing with a mortal enemy. Instead of fighting against it, we put ourselves at its service: it’s television.”

Indro Montanelli predicted that television would become the Internet and ultimately social media would become the enemy. They have become masters from newspaper megaphones. Arbiter of fate and final judge of life and death. Instead of educating the public through social media, journalism has ultimately given in to its darkest instincts. Good journalism is now in danger of extinction, while gossip, small and standardized news continues to proliferate. Giants like Brera will certainly no longer be born, but if that's the trend, we'll miss Felice Caccamo too.

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