
We missed the fight against anti-Semitism in football

The priorities of Italian football.

As we know, every summer brings its own catchphrase and this too has respected tradition. This time football has taken care of it, a kaleidoscope that sums up the impetus of the Italians to offer us something that may be a bit off-putting, but good for all seasons: The ball must be a carrier of positive messages and fulfill an educational function. FIGC President Gravina confirmed this in a letter of intent for the fight against anti-Semitism in agreement with the Minister of the Interior Piantedosi, the Minister of Sport Abodi and the National Coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism Pecoraro.

A 13-point document which, although it is an extremely serious subject, gives rise to doubts and, above all, to irony.

We assume that this will be discussed Antisemitism in Italyand above all do it in emergency tones, sounds a bit exaggerated. Is there really widespread anti-Semitic sentiment on the Belpaese’s sports fields? In what forms and ways did it manifest itself? is there dates Unanswered questions or at least no affirmative answer. On the rare occasions (certainly much rarer than other forms of discrimination) where some supporters have provocatively brought up the Jews and the Shoah, needless to say, the tools to punish such behavior are already widely used.

Yet that hasn’t stopped ministers, secretaries of state, and presidents from continuing this crusade of civilization. In the usual paternalistic-pedagogical tones that characterize (in words) the leaders of Italian football, Gravina declared: “The world of football is united Fight against anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination. With this MOU, we reaffirm that our sport must be increasingly inclusive while also being an exceptional vehicle for positive messages. Thanks to its deepest values ​​and its extraordinary power of communication, football offers itself as an instrument of civic conscience that instills hospitality and respect».

The document then calls for more careful verification of compliance with the seat assigned on the ticket, including through “more structured and significant” use of technology, as well as the modernization of the video surveillance and control system – Without delving further into the issue of surveillance capitalism in football, there is a clear impression of a desire to add even more impetus to the already crushing repressive methods, under the pretext of fighting racial discrimination.

«Strengthen the system video surveillance and policing services both inside and near sports facilities, particularly in places where incidents of anti-Semitism have occurred.”

Point 9 of the document

This brings us to the most psychic point of all: the ban on the use of the ’88 jersey. In recent circles of neo-Nazi Mohicans, as everyone now knows, the two numbers refer to the eighth letter of the alphabet, the H, and thus to the expression “Heil Hitler”. Still, it seems exaggerated at the very least to think that wearing two numerals, especially in a world like football’s, is a homage and apology to the head of Nazism.

“Don’t assign players the jersey with the.” number ’88’taken as an explicit reference to Nazi symbology”.

Point 3 of the document

And then we ask ourselves: Where is the limit of discriminatory action, especially anti-Semitic? Would it be an example of discrimination to send an Israeli team to hell and boo them when they faced him? And demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinian people with banners and flags, which is already happening sanctioned from UEFA? The risk is always that: Everything is discrimination, nothing really is. Does football have the relationship without recognizing contradictions and grotesque regulations?

Finally, the aspect that should bother us the most, fans, men, people, parents: We really have that We need football to educate us? Are we unable to take a stand and form a conscience for ourselves? I agree that this trend has now spread throughout the entertainment industry, with new rock stars and movie stars doing their utmost for ecumenical and exemplary appeals. But delegate According to law Is this commitment to often unsuspecting clubs and players really what we need?

«Organizein collaboration with the societies and the leagues, visits at the Shoah Memorial in Milan (Binario 21) or other places of remembrance of the Shoah in Italy and abroad, for representatives of organized supporters and for members of sports clubs, to make known and raise awareness the historical story of the deportation of the Jews to raise anti-Semitism».

Point 12 of the document.

But just for us it seems grotesque to treat players, managers and staff, big, fat and vaccinated fans as if they were school classes bringing them with them on a journey to the places of memory to raise awareness? And all this almost 80 years after the tragedy of the Holocaust and in a society that shows no signs of anti-Semitism? – then if how he claims Noemi Di Segni, President of the Union of Jewish Communities of Italy: “There is no difference between anti-Israel and anti-Semitic people.” who does not allow any criticism, even if justifiably violent, of the State of Israel.

However, without transposing it to politics, it is a fact that Italian football policy has recognized the fight against anti-Semitism a priority focus on it. And with point 5 of the document: «obliges members of sports clubs to participate in, support and encourage communication campaigns to combat all forms of anti-Semitism and take worthwhile initiatives to further this goal».

We don’t even want to imagine the price, that’s enough for us the gesture reward mechanism which we usually use with children or pets. In any case, after this legislative intervention, besides the slight irony of it all, Tacitus’ teaching might come to mind: “There are a great many laws when the state is corrupt.” Well, they could answer that as if they were in a television trash talk: Better corrupt than Nazis!. There is no comparison, at least 89 times better!

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