The new ball is equipped with artificial intelligence
Football is becoming less and less human.
That the football game becomes one less and less gaming and even less football, this has been known for some time. The loss of sanctity, rituals, life, chance, emotions, human errors, human justice. And it would be wrong to look for the cause of this outside the game, when the football players themselves have identified themselves as executioners and creators. But actors who can't improvise recite scripts, no matter who wrote them. And those who write scripts today are the ones who hold the reins: sponsors, FIFA, television.
That's the premise, but let's not forget the point of the article: to tell the latest delirium of the executioner, that is, the new ball that will roll on the pitches of the Euro 2024 in Germany Football love signed Adidas.
It was almost impossible, outside of the beaches that hosted me, to find an article, a writing that at least tried to stigmatize the subject or cast doubt on it. The football love will be, reported from the FIGC website«An increasingly technological ball, capable of integrating artificial intelligence for the decisions of the match officials, increasingly technically capable of ensuring the best aerodynamics and thus promoting a fast and precise game, made with bio-sustainable materials».
Yes, you understood correctly, a ball Bio-sustainable (made, of course, by underpaid hands, using materials like sugar cane and corn fiber, in case an interpreter gets hungry during the game) and which is incorporated into “the”.artificial intelligence“, Oxymoron that excites nerds and the mentally weak so much.
Again from the FIGC website: “will be able to send data that, combined with artificial intelligence and the position of players, will feed the semi-automated offside technology and make it possible to identify any contact with the ball, such as handballs and penalty kicks». Wonderful, right? But amazement turns to hubris when the name they chose for this kitschy monstrosity is translated. Actually love football, of course “Love for football”which, if it weren't unintentionally funny, further underlines the hands (and minds) we've fallen into.
I reluctantly reported the quote from the FIGC website because it was the most sober of words from those reporting the happy event. Much more intoxicating and sublime are those of the Gazzetta dello Sport or other corners of social media, with frightening emoticons that underline the “miracle” and repeatedly (I say always) underline the supposed “sustainability” of the sphere. “Sustainability”, another panacea that wants to make everything edible and digestible Atrocity and idiocy imposed on us, be it carpet bombing or feeding flies and cockroaches.
Many people expressed similar enthusiasm months ago in front of the photo new balls “Al Rihla” (designed by Adidas for the World Cup in Qatar) responsible, connected to batteries as if they were smartphones. All this because the data “These are sent in real time by sensors to a local positioning system (LPS). This is a configuration of network antennas installed around the pitch that collect and store data for immediate use» (Words from Maximillian Schmidt, CEO of the company KINEXON, which manufactured the sensors. Faced with this situation, he asked himself Marco Ciriello:
“What do you do in these cases and when? the certainties do they crack? When do you see a balloon connected to electricity like a cell phone?
«If in doubt, there is the thread. Where before there was only air and dreams, there are now 500 Hz motion sensors: They track position, impact and movement at 500 frames per second. Where there used to be magic there is now technology, where there used to be errors there is now data. Where once there were only balloons, now there are electric balloons, like Dick's sheep, who knows if they dream of androids? Who knows who knows. AND the difference between an Amazonian magician and a radiologist: both can have poetry, but the magician has something more.” Despite it:
“And here is the voice of the cynic calling justice of the game, the clarity of the framework, the absoluteness of the test».
«But with this ball there would be no hand of God and no God he himself, who lives in misunderstanding, in hope, in wavering between truth and lies, between the visible and the invisible, in the legend of the impossible, which ranges from the darkness of Homer to the song of Victor Hugo Morales and permeates the Gospel accordingly to Matthew. Now there is the plug, electricity, technology, the future. It's a shame that the future, the current, the light was once the name of a little black boy, Edson (the inventor of the light bulb) Arantes do Nascimento, who brought light to the fields without the need for wire».

What remains or will remain despite all this Game of the ball? Since this certainly won't be the last cross stuck in the coffin, “Once upon a time” the storyteller will say and another monstrosity begins. So, What is left to save? Maybe typhoid, as long as it is granted or allowed and even not selected, perhaps the games of the lower categories, where the tentacles of VAR and the illusion of control do not yet reach. Maybe that in the suburban squares or in the oratorios. Perhaps the one in the countries least affected by the unstoppable progress.
To get our dear old football back, we should assume one of the many possible revolutions, because they have not only taken away football, but many other human and fundamental aspects of our existence, our lives. Think about that for a moment. The same fans in the social media slums all (or almost all) You seem to be fascinated by technology, of VAR and of those violent illusions that cloak themselves in the truth, that claim to own it but accidentally don't even touch it. Even if voices from the world of football can now and then be heard from the chorus, such as Pulisic:
“It should be completely eliminated. If a decision goes in your favor, you love it, otherwise you hate it, but in general I believe football is better without VAR. This is only my opinion.”
And to arouse readers' sympathy even more, by unusual voices I also mean characters like Allegri, who remained one of the few “Misters” in a world of “coaches”. And without the need for drawings, it is the “Misters”, the ones who looked after their players as children, as in the last of the speakers, who have a better chance of saving what can be saved than the “Coaches” , the control freaks who, tablets in hand, move chess pieces and non-human beings in search of the highest level of predictable efficiency.
But here another bracket would open, another chapter, another story – certainly closely linked to ours. They are slowly changing football, from gaming to entertainment, from gaming to computing; from that Reign of the unexpected (Copyright Galeano) to that of “justice”, the necessarily predictable. Now they've even started deflating the ball and I don't understand how anyone can be happy about that. So all of this is for the “love of football” because they also speak the language. Until we too dedicate ourselves to artificial intelligence out of love and, above all, to avoid mistakes. You already have the data.