
Federico Gatti and the return of the working class

The defender who gave back his soul and courage to Juventus.

When Federico Gatti (January 2022) was bought by Juventus for around 7 million euros, understandable skepticism reigned on the front pages of the newspapers, the detailed analyzes of sports television and the less detailed but equally interesting social networks: not so much because of the technical Characteristics of the player (still coming from Serie B, in a historical moment that was far from exciting for our football) than because of the quality/price ratio. Is Federico Gatti really worth that much?

But then skepticism spreads interest when the boy’s story comes to light: a kind of Verga memorial service social redemption. Gatti is really, to quote the great Gianni Morandi, one of thousands who have made it. Until 2020 (just 3 years ago, in the middle of the pandemic), Federico, born in Rivoli (in the province of Turin and raised in Toro’s youth academy), was still playing in the amateurs, and In order to make a living, he worked as a bricklayer and window fitter:

“When I was 17, my father was unemployed I dropped out of school to go to work. I woke up at four in the morning and wasn’t able to train until late at night.”

A life experience that was certainly tough, but which, as the defender himself pointed out, helped him a lot in shaping his determined and ambitious character on and off the pitch and developing a fighting spirit that is his motto Never give up, no matter what the cost. Or “to the end” to stay within the Old Lady’s walls.

I inherited the character from my father and from the anger I carry within me. For me it’s revenge. I found closed doors, in the youth departments of Turin first and Alessandria I didn’t have a place, but now I want to assert myself.”

After remaining on loan at Frosinone for another six months, the defender from Rivoli comes initially as a reserve in the back on the orders of Massimiliano Allegri and played a few games in the first half of the season in which he alternated convincing performances with others that were much less good are. While it now seems destined to be more on the bench than on the field, something is changing in the second half of the season: Bonucci’s ongoing physical problems and unconvincing performances from Alex Sandro are a stepping stone for Gatti who will soon no longer be alone secures a starting place in the three-man defensebut also finds a remarkable continuity in performance that earns him the (deserved) praise from insiders and fans alike.

It was Danilo in particular who revealed the great mentality of his colleague in the department: “He came to Juventus from Serie B, he was half a year without a game, but he still stayed on the right path and always worked to improve .” He is humble, always listens and he wants to stay here”.


The work culture and humility always pay off. Especially for those who, like him, make spiritual qualities their weapon. That is why many, perhaps prematurely, compared him to Giorgio Chiellini. Both have established themselves relatively “late” at certain levels, both playing aggressive and clever football that is more based on reading than technique. Even with Gatti, as was the case with Chiellini, anticipation is a reason for life: ball or human, with consequences also revealed by a anything but facial expressions Hollywood. However, he said he didn’t want thatBeing compared to people who played 300-400 games would be an insult to them“, which once again shows a humility that will take us far.

And considering that Gatti started his career as an attacking midfielder, at least he played at Pavarolo’s time in Eccellenza before reverting back to defenders at Pavarolo due to necessity linked to the company’s crisis, which had lost several elements due to debts that were never paid. Technically, Federico is an ideal synthesis between lo stopper old-fashionedwho is characterized by man marking, and the (post)modern centre-back who has a good technical cleanliness and excellent for offensive ball and chain throws.

Although comparisons are of no use to anyone and are often the subject of social interactions more than anything else, it is important to remember this many of the players who wrote the story of the “Old Lady”. They were bought by themselves from the minor leagues: Future flags like Del Piero and Scirea came from Serie B, but also Conte, Cabrini, Tardelli, Ravanelli, Di Livio. Historically, Juventus have always had a hard Italian core and a “worker” in both the 1980s and 1990s winning cycles. We’re talking about players who started from the bottom with the ambition to rise to the top, who have great human qualities, even before athletic ones, and who are characterized by self-sacrifice, a desire for revenge and faith (in themselves and often in God ) award. and the importance of family.

All values ​​are well represented in the Rivoli factory: “All the tattoos I have are dedicated to my family“I owe my being here to the sacrifices my father made. Family is everything to me.” The future of the Juventus club seems uncertain at the moment, but Gatti’s future is clear and unambiguous: in fact, the aim is to reach ever higher levels and bring the working class back to the stars.

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