
Ukraine-Italy, bans the grotesque magazine Contrasti

Italy is in the final stages of Euro 2024.

It should have been four points, and it was four points. Italy receives the passport to Germany, thus achieving the minimum, but is far from the obvious goal, and that is enough. The goal against Macedonia confirmed the modesty of the Balkan national team and underlined how much the mental state of the group makes a difference in game situations. We have often emphasized that this was the main cause of the Blues’ problems in recent years psychological fragility. Between Jorginho’s penalty and Atanasov’s brace, all the ingredients were there for another psychodrama that would have forced the Azzurri to travel to Leverkusen with only one useful result.

It would have been grotesque, Red Especially in the grotesque, Spalletti’s team shows that they want to distance themselves in every possible way. Apart from Chiesa (by far the best Italian player, who has shown in his two appearances with the national team that the current Juventus set-up is not the most suitable context to maximize his considerable technical and physical abilities), the goals came from Darmian , Raspadori and El Shaarawy, very useful players but certainly not the first choice in their respective teams. The team’s average age of 27.8 was also the result of the ground game against the Ukrainians, which required dynamic, young and aggressive field selections.

A midfield led by Jorginho and Bonaventura, aged 65 between them, can be neither the future nor the present of the national team. However, Spalletti is not to blame for the well-known events that kept Tonali and Fagioli away from the camps, so it is necessary to make a virtue of necessity. Finally, he has to admit that it is time to relieve the Arsenal midfielder of the penalty penalty burden. What Spalletti could and should have done against Ukraine was to set up the right formation as many guarantees as possible. And then in Di Lorenzo, Buongiorno, Frattesi and Zaniolo. That’s it at the moment.

And in view of the stakes in which it was enough not to lose, that was also evident a first time above expectations.

Maybe it was the passionate crowd (by the way, it is obvious to UEFA that a few banners in support of the Azov Battalion, unlike a Palestinian flag, have no subversive character) or a certain amount of self-love, but The first half was played at a good pace, who did painstaking work to widen the Ukrainian mesh and find the gaps that could have closed the qualification discussion in the first half. And gaps were also found, as well as some unpleasant confirmations: Frattesi is in a moment of general confusion and Raspadori is simply not the killer the national team deserves in front of goal. To put it mildly.

As Frattesi himself confirmed after the game: “We knew it would be difficult if we didn’t score within 60 minutes». And in fact. Nevertheless, in the author’s opinion, there was too much criticism immediately after the game about the Azzurri’s entrenchment in the last half hour. Ukraine is not France, but not even San Marino. A squad of around 300 million, many players in the Premier League and in the good middle class of European football. And then the burning desire to bring a little big joy to a nation going through two years of war. But mainly, this is Italy. A national team that has its weaknesses (mainly psychological, after two failed World Cup qualifiers) and its limitations, especially when compared to the best teams in the world and Europe.

Suffering was the order of the day. The news is that we suffered better, like in the days when the national team brought order to the chaos of others, with the authority of someone who simply knows that he is stronger, dealing with something too important to let go, with the firm Believe that he can carry the boat in the harbor without much worry. The definitive finishes from Buongiorno, in his second appearance for the national team, in such an important game, largely played with a caution, were clear evidence of the commitment and concentration expected from the Italian rearguard.

Sure, when Mudryk lies ruined on the ground The blood in our veins froze.

The images are dubious and even today many questions remain unanswered. But the dynamics immediately point to the penalty, the intervention is really at the limit and Zazzaroni has done well on that Corriere dello SportHeadliner in today’s edition ‘for the grace received‘. So at Sky Bergomi said the same thing. Another drama in recent history will have to wait. All that remains now is to sit back and watch the draw on December 2nd in Hamburg, and from then on there will be time and opportunity for the Italian attitude to turn its head in the face of the misfortunes that lie ahead in Germany. Of course you can also take stock of the first three months as a trainer. 6 games, 13 goals scored and 7 conceded, average score 1.83.

Spalletti immediately emphasized the mental strength that the national team must adopt, and on the pitch you can see a combative, attentive, constructive, non-cartoonish attitude that had been eluded to Coverciano for too long. We are seeing more and more defined game principles: the search for spaces with calm and dedication, a certain attention to a clean rotation of the ball, insertions that become more and more fluid and automatic over time. And now some certainties about the key men. Donnarumma, Barella, Dimarco and Raspadori played in every game, starting or as substitutes. Frattesi (top scorer of this mini game cycle), Cristante, Di Lorenzo, Bastoni and Zaniolo, other stalwarts, before joining Politano, Kean and Berardi.

A mixture of internationally renowned players, promises that have not yet been fully fulfilled and honest professionals from Serie A. There’s no point in regretting the good old days, which is not good for anyone. June is far away and 6 games, not even in December, is nothing in a season that ends with an international review. There is still a long way to go between injuries, hopeful success for some players, drastic setbacks for others and the physical condition the group will be in in June. But we believe we can say, and we say it in a whisper, that Spalletti’s first mission to give the group a strong destiny, such as going to Germany to defend the European title, was successful.

«Now comes the fun part»,He grinned in front of the cameras after receiving the qualification. We hope so.

From selecting men to improving certain slot machines, there is still a lot of work to be done in both phases. But the seed has been sown and the harvest is entrusted to a gentleman from Certaldo who, like some footballers, knows how capricious nature is. However, nature respects those who do not try to challenge it, but who tries to understand it in order to direct its energy in search of a common good. That’s the business of the medieval alchemists. Once upon a time they traveled the courts of Europe and marveled at their wonders. Tonight the Certaldo Demiurge has earned his call to Teutonic land. And we would like to swear that he will bring out the best of his art in homage to such a context.

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