
The winning cycle according to Lele Adani

If victories are also to be interpreted.

In the latest episode of the now famous “Bobo TV”, a twitch show where Vieri, Adani, Cassano and Ventola rant in their own way about football, or rather “against submissiveness” and chase after it in a continuous race around the social networks shoots it bigger (and therefore makes more noise), there was talk of the so-called “winning cycle”.. Alt, we already know what you’re thinking: but why do you give him space? Why?! We know you’re right, but we believe there is a need at times to understand just how much sporting history can bleed and degrade here in graphic representationOpinion: nothing mixed with nothing, formal and substantive, in which everyone feels like an expert on everything and nobody dives into anything (Bobo TV works for that because it’s an exemplary drift of our youthful and disengaged society).

In short, to understand all this, but also to remind ourselves how far we can go the ideology in the ball.

In fact, on the show, Lele Adani, the group’s ideologue, said: «Winning cycle Napoli taught us how to do it. The rest…» – it is boredom, the meaning. It’s a bit questionable to speak of a winning cycle after just one trophy, the Scudetto, that hasn’t officially arrived yet. In fact anything but questionable, nice and good bullshit. So much so that even Cassano (sic!) tried to counter: «Sorry to interrupt you Lele, but only one team has taught us the winning cycle in the last few years»-«Atalante?», commented an unlikely Ventola (?!) – «Juventus didn’t do it», condemned Antonio. An objective view, however, after a decade of dominance at home (9 Scudettos in a row, cups and super cups). He never said that.

«No boss, nonono. you confuse», explained the national Lele, with his tone between professorial and prophetic, between obsessed and psychiatric: a tone that once made us cry, then laugh, now it just worries us (but really, eh, someone helps him). «You confuse the result with the reason… when you compete at a different level and take on the strongest players… I think conceptually, conceptually, the win cycle as you understand it is, Italy is not ready conceptual supportthundered the oracle of Reggio.

Obsessed with the spirit of the Prophet Bielsa, in the conceptual desert of Bobo TV and in the functional illiteracy of his interlocutors, Lele then proposed his contradiction in words: Winning cycle is one that hasn’t won anything yet. All seasoned with the usual attack on Italian culture, backward and incomplete, without vision.

Let me be clear, Napoli may have opened a cycle this summer (and by that was meant good Adani) because they cut wages, showed a business model and at the same time a technical vision, because they established themselves through the game, etc. But apart from the fact that we won’t know for a few years if it will be a cycle, the point is that as always, a cycle is opened simply thanks to good, very good professionals: above all Giuntoli, sports director of the Miracles, and Luciano Spalletti, coach who appreciated and exalted the blue squad. Then De Laurentiis management acted in the opposite direction compared to the top clubs in half the world, including Italy, but that’s another matter.

In his anti-Juventinism from a sports bar, indeed Possibly from sports bars, from Twitch, Adani forgets that sort of thing the Juventus victory cycle (yes, the only one in Italy lately, whether you like it or not) was certainly not created by taking “the best players on the market”, but with one enviable sports business model; rising from the ashes of Serie B, revolutionizing management, betting on the new stadium, finding cornerstones in the market that certainly weren’t bought for millions – in no particular order Pogba at 0, Barzagli €300k, Tevez 9m, Bonucci 12, in addition to those already at home like Chiellini, Marchisio – but expertly spotted by the Marotta-Paratici duo, a practice then completely reversed in the last four to five years (we talked about it here).

However, everything can be said on social media, so much so that there are hordes of more or less functionally illiterate people (but without any offense, really) who, in order to create controversy or hit against Juve, as well as against Napoli, or against Milan, Inter, and any other team on duty, will be ready to accept and restate any thesis, even the most surreal and grotesque. And this way in the Bielistic Neo language by Adani and Bobo TVeven words have lost their meaning, and a winning cycle can be that of those who haven’t won anything yet.

Because it has to be seen in perspective, and with all this bogus and pseudo-South American rhetoric, where it’s the journey that counts and not the destination, the “concept” and not the result (which doesn’t mean what Adani claims, but whoever has the time and inclination to to explain it to him). Unfortunately, this is the level ofopinion on football, a category of (inauthentic) existence even before it is a mode of expression, that existence lost in the Heideggerian triad of gossip, curiosity and misunderstanding.

Here, for our part, and as Gilbert K. Chesterton wrote, we must keep stoking fires to testify that 2+2 equals 4, drawing swords to demonstrate that the leaves are green in summer. But don’t worry too much either, knowing that dialogue and common sense can no longer be exercised in these crazy and schizophrenic times. In which the same Victories no longer have to be recorded, but interpreted. The new “conceptual level” step of what many call “gameism”.

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