
Partizan is eternal – Contrasti Magazine

Reportage about the Grobarski Trash Romantizam (GTR), between faith, art and culture.

Iron gray sky, overwhelming cosmopolitan reality, river full of young people, tall, haughty attitude, faces of all kinds, cafes full of smoke, deep conviction that you represent the center of the world, obsession with memories. When words conquer time and so vividly photograph the reality before us, it would be criminal not to use them to capture on paper the visceral sense of authenticity that first crosses Belgrade in everyone's stomach – or the intention to stop – between its streets.

Paolo Rumiz, a writer and journalist from Trieste, will then forgive us if we are inspired by the description of his first visit to the Serbian capital, which dates back to 1986 and is recounted in a chapter of the book Masks for a massacre. In a few lines, the author continues a clear comparison with “our” society at the time, only to arrive at a shockingly valid conclusion almost forty years later: We are a world made of cellophane, without roots, forgotten by history.

Knowing one's own history means being able to understand the core values ​​of one's society and to shape one's behavior towards those around us with respect based on shared past experiences, so that, brick by brick, a common identity is formed. The metaphor is not a coincidence, the stories we will tell do not need printed paper to be passed on and revitalize a community to preserve them. The walls of these Belgrade buildings are enough with styles that are as varied as they are fascinating, the diversity of which bears witness to the country's past and suffering.

Walking through the streets of Dorćol, the capital's historic central district and current stronghold of Partizan supporters, it is impossible not to come across the group's works Grobarski Trash Romantizam(GTR), whose voice outside the choir, which remains deliberately anonymous, has a clear intention: to let the history of the Juventus sports club resonate forever, so that the Association remain one Family traditionas the mural says in Italian that can be seen on the street Kralya PetraWhy “Život je kratak, umetnost lepa, a Partizan večan” (Life is short, art is beautiful and Partizan is eternal).

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